Sunday, April 19, 2009

Be Careful When Choosing Friends

I'm wrapping up my fifth semester in college, and it still surprises me how much I learn about myself and the world around me each time I go on campus. I recently made a revelation that I think some may enjoy.

Our University has a Pagan Student Alliance. Thinking I'd enjoy being around my fellow Pagans, I joined with the group. What I found was a bunch of self righteous half wits with a superiority complex narcissistic tendencies. I mean, damn. These folk actually convinced me to drop the title of 'pagan' and took up 'discordian humanist'. Bunch of no-it-all bastards that really, genuinely piss me off. Not all of them, of course, but enough of them to make it not worth my while to be there.

Let me tell you but two stories that happened with these folk.

First was a couple of months ago. We were walking away from a meeting and heading out to go get pizza. A LaVeyan passes us. I know the guy. Despite being a LaVeyan, he's generally a huge twerp. Not a huge fan of the guy. But he's wearing an inverted cross when he passes us, and as he does, the two PSA members I'm walking with start snickering. I mean hell, it was just ridiculous. Then they go on to start making fun of all LaVeyans like there a bunch of sex addicted pimple faced nerds.

Stay on, it gets better.

We pass our Baptist Campus Ministries whilst they're in service. It was Wednesday night, so they were doing their worship service in a student common room near our dorms, and the had window shades mostly drawn, but we could still see the candles and their alter. They were doing communion. I may be a recovered Christian, but I still have nothing but love for the Christian community. In fact, I've been known to visit our BCM quite often because most of my good buddies go there. I like the people. But again, they start with the snickering, talking about how all Christianity is merely the decayed remnants of the old Dianic traditions.

If anyone could explain that jump, I'd be eternally grateful. It's been puzzling me ever since.

So, that was the first story, about how these twerps basically insulted a great deal of my friends based on simple intolerance. Now lets see how they insulted me personally.

At this time I had decided to leave the group. No big fanfare, just leave without saying anything. it was kinda my style anyways. But earlier that same evening, I had already promised to help them file their Student Organization Budget Request Forms, and my word is my bond. Really annoying when Fate's plans don't match my own. So, we're filling out the forms when everyone starts telling pagan based jokes, most of which were at the expense of the other religions. Either way, I tell the only pagan joke I know about a heathen priest and a catholic priest, and they look at me and simply say, 'Jacob, your just not funny. You use people.'

So, I left without saying anything. I won't curse them with failure, nor will I lift a finger for their downfall. I got something more in mind. I'm simply going to forget them, and let them create their own destiny.

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