Monday, July 20, 2009

Street Preachers

I've maintained for a long time that this world if inherently absurd. To say that there is objective truth in the world is just as self-contradictory as saying that the is no objective truth in the world. Simply put, the world is founded on paradox, and while I plan to go into great detail on this subject in the future, let me share a simple happening today.

Earlier this morning I was walking from the 5-Points station to my office where I work. Its about a 4-5 block walk, nothing to freak about. Still, there are plenty of things to see along the way. Today, however, something seemed more off than usual. There was a street minister there preaching about the 3 temptations of the christgod. He was particularly fond of the saying 'man cannot live on bread alone' as he screamed it thrice to an uncaring crowd of pedestrians. Sitting next to him was a very dirty homeless man who looked like he passed out on heroin some hours ago and hadn't had a decent meal in some time.

The preacher told us that only the christgod can feed our soul, but who was willing to give that poor old man a piece of bread? What good is a fulfilled soul if the stomach goes empty?

I have yet to meet a preacher of any faith who has been able to give me a solid answer to this.

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